IHS56 horn competitions

IHS56 will feature horn competitions including a university horn quartet competition, a horn octet competition, and an individual jazz horn competition. Learn more about each competition and sign up below.

university horn quartet competition

When: Tuesday July 30 @ 1:30pm

Who: Four players whose combined age does not exceed 100

What: One required work with additional repertoire adding up to no more than 15 total minutes, including time between pieces

Required Piece: Sous le Ciel de Paris by Hubert Giraud Arr. by Klaus Wallendorf – may be purchased here

horn octet competition

When: Tuesday July 30 @ 9:30am

Who: One player per part with no age restrictions

What: One required octet with additional repertoire adding up to no more than 15 total minutes, including time between pieces

Required Piece: Nascent Fanfare by Jacob Evarts – may be purchased here

Jazz competition

When: Tuesday, July 30 @ 9:00pm

Who: Any individual

What: Each competitor will play two (2) tunes of their own choosing including one blues standard and one jazz standard in a contrasting style

Jazz Competition Logistics:

  1. Competitors may not have any communication or rehearsal with the rhythm section in advance of the competition—competitors will call tunes at the time of their performance. A short consultation on roadmaps, etc. will be allowed at the time
  2. Competitors will be judged on jazz styles and soloing
  3. Competitors will receive written comments on their performances

IHS competition rules & regulations

– All competitors must be members of the International Horn Society

– All competitors must be registered for IHS56

– Photocopies of scores should be provided to the judges

– Competitors may stand or sit to perform

– Competitors are not required to perform from memory, however, competitors using music must perform from legal printed copies: no photocopies or scanned copies of music are permitted

– The judges reserve the right not to choose a winner, should the quality of performances merit

– The winners of each competition will be recognized at the final concert and will be given the opportunity to perform before a featured artist concert

– With the exception of the jazz competition, the first rounds are closed to the public, but subsequent rounds may be open for public viewing

– Performances will not take place behind a screen as stage presence will be considered